Brand New Believer's Basics Live Class Official Starts September 21, 2023

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds

Training & Development

Grow University is designed to help empower and develop skills in essential areas of life such as:

  • Spiritual Growth

    Every individual deserves a chance to learn and become an educated member of society.

  • Financial Literacy

    Become empowered and develop skills in essential areas of life such as spiritual growth, financial literacy, health, and more!

  • Health

    Set out to become what God has called you to be. Build up your leadership skills today to impact others.


12-Week Course to study the Basic Foundation of Christian Belief.

Believer’s Basics is a 12-Week Course to study the Basic Foundation of Christian Belief. This course was designed to help empower and develop skills in spiritual growth, financial literacy, health and much more!

A Growing Success

Testimonials from Grow University Students

“God is loving caring merciful. He shows us how much he loves us through his actions. His outward sacrifice showed us how he feels what we feel and he loves us through it all but he’s also convicting and will correct and discipline us as another way to ultimately show us love. Everything is through his love for us. ”

Simply Unique

“God is loving caring merciful. He shows us how much he loves us through his actions. His outward sacrifice showed us how he feels what we feel and he loves us through it all but he’s also convicting and will correct and discipline us as another way to ultimately show us love. Everything is through his love for us. ”

Jon Doe

Ready To Grow, Learn & Lead?

Set out to become what God has called you to be. Build up your essential skills today to help impact others.